vlozil som tam 8 fotiek a 4 videa zatial s cca 20 kontaktnym adresarom
Seite zur Geschichte u. Historiography 19.-20.Jhdts.Persoenliche blog professionelle Historiker ueber seine halbe Jahrhundert Lebenswerk,eigene Artikeln im Volltext,Kommentare,Rezensionen,Bilder u.sw.
piatok 30. septembra 2011
štvrtok 29. septembra 2011
streda 28. septembra 2011
utorok 27. septembra 2011
and has long been saying that you’re a great writer
Publikované: 24. September 2011 o 4:22 am
I am a long time ago I read your blog and has long been saying that you’re a great writer
Thank you for another fantastic blog: – Forum Historiker –
0 #
Ja som kedysi dávno čítal váš blog a stále hovorím, že ste veľký spisovateľ
Publikované: 24. September 2011 o 4:22 am
I am a long time ago I read your blog and has long been saying that you’re a great writer
Thank you for another fantastic blog: – Forum Historiker –
0 #
Ja som kedysi dávno čítal váš blog a stále hovorím, že ste veľký spisovateľ
pondelok 26. septembra 2011
Die slowakische Politik in ME conclusion von These- PhDr-CSc
Die slowakische Politik in ME conclusion von These- PhDr-CSc
Abstrakt deutsch-englisch vom meine erste wissenschaftliche Monographie
![]() |
Od Moja prvá vedecká monografia |
Abstrakt deutsch-englisch vom meine erste wissenschaftliche Monographie
štvrtok 22. septembra 2011
Zapad slnka na letisti Praha Ruzyn
Nahrate 19.9.2011 o cca 19 00 z busu do Karlovych Varov, cestou na dovolenku, cez Smartphone HTC Desire HD
pondelok 12. septembra 2011
nedeľa 11. septembra 2011 Congratulations.
[Histmkrajco's Blog: History] histmkrajco,Seite zur Geschichte u. Historiography 19.-20.Jhdts. liked your post (renovacia domu ukoncena v auguste 011)
histmkrajco,Seite zur Geschichte u. Historiography 19.-20.Jhdts. recently read your post, titled renovacia domu ukoncena v auguste 011, and enjoyed it enough to click the 'Like' button. Congratulations.
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Name: histmkrajco,Seite zur Geschichte u. Historiography 19.-20.Jhdts.
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We think they're from: Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia
You might want to see what they're up to - perhaps you will like their posts as much as they liked yours. | Thanks for flying with WordPress!
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histmkrajco,Seite zur Geschichte u. Historiography 19.-20.Jhdts. recently read your post, titled renovacia domu ukoncena v auguste 011, and enjoyed it enough to click the 'Like' button. Congratulations.
Here is the post they liked:
and here is their info:
Name: histmkrajco,Seite zur Geschichte u. Historiography 19.-20.Jhdts.
Gravatar Profile:
We think they're from: Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia
You might want to see what they're up to - perhaps you will like their posts as much as they liked yours. | Thanks for flying with WordPress!
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štvrtok 8. septembra 2011
Renovacia domu ukoncena. Zaverecne video. Predaj mozny
Renovacia domu v Tajnej je ukoncena stala ma 6 tisic. Slo o kompletnu vymenu vonkajsích omietok stien o ploche cez cez 130m2 a prevazne aj vnutri izieb, ktoré boli nakoniec premalované primalexom. Novou technologiou aplikované potom až 7 nových vrstiev: Drotene pletivo nabité po vsetkych stenach, aplikované desiatky vriec unimaltu, nanesený kleber, sietka, a znovu kleber po celom obvode i vnutri izieb, vsade potom nanesená penetracná zmes, a nakoniec rakúska silikatova omietka baumit oranž,omyvatelna, ktorá ma stala aj s robotou do 70 tisíc sk, a tiež aj nové muriky v predu domu s dtto technologiou. Dolu ako sokel stien aplikovaný marmolit, mozaika tiež od rakúskej firmy baumit . Pocas rekonstrukcie od apríla do augusta 2011 som vynaložil nielen 6000 euro ale i stratil na vahe 8 kg . Predaj možný teraz za 24900
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